pixabay.com I separate from others, avoid social interactions, even with people I like and consider friends.
pixabay.com I have trouble to complete even the simplest tasks, including the ones related to personal hygiene or work commitments.
pixabay.com I have suicidal thoughts, obsessive thoughts about death, I engage in autodestructive behavior.
pixabay.com My self-esteem is very low, I have a profound sense of guilt because I'm not a better/stronger person.
pixabay.com I neglect my duties, including job and study, and that makes my sense of guilt and uselessness even stronger.
pixabay.com I see changes in the way I speak and move: my speech is very fast/very slow, I lack words or omit them, I over-gesticulate or move like in slow-motion.
pixabay.com Although there is no medical reason for it, I suffer from headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, lack of appetite, sudden changes in weight, panic attacks, palpitations, shortness of breath.
pixabay.com I desperately seek a way to soothe my pain and reduce my sadness, but I only feel emptiness and discouragement.
pixabay.com Things that scared, disgusted, fascinated, amused or excited me before now leave me completely indifferent.
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