Who is the author of "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter", "The Bad Girl", and "Captain Pantoja and the Special Service"?
images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com "Lolita", the movie that was popular in 1990s, is in fact a book adaptation. Who wrote the book?
wikipedia.org In Shakespeare's famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet belonged to two different families or houses. Which house did Julia belong to?
flickr.com Gabriel García Márquez, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature, was one of the most notable figures associated with magic realism. Which of the following books was NOT written by him?
c.tribune.com.pk Look at the author in the picture. Which of the books below is one of his most notable works?
maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com Think about the author of "The Man in the Brown Suit" and "Murder on the Orient Express". He/she has created a character who appears in his/her many other books. What’s this popular character called?
img04.deviantart.net Which of these characters does NOT appear in Stieg Larsson's "Millennium" series?