The Amazing Evolution of Public Relations

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Although public relations wasn’t officially a profession until more recently, the practice has been around for thousands of years. In 50 B.C., Julius Caesar publicized his military exploits in the first known political campaign biography to convince the Romans that he would make the best head of state – a practice which is still used by political candidates today. Fast forward to 1776, when Thomas Paine published a pamphlet series to help fuel the American Revolution. Then, in the 1950s, the FBI published its most wanted list and has since captured 94% of these “most wanted” individuals.

People have been using PR (and PR’s sister occupation, content marketing) to capture the public’s attention and spur them into action since the beginning of time (yes, I am suggesting that cavemen probably had some sort of PR campaigns). The channels have changed a bit here and there with the invention of the printing press, followed by the Internet and social media (can you imagine how the American Revolution would have been different had Twitter existed?), but the basic strategies and principles are the same.

In 50 B.C. Julius Caesar publishes the first-known campaign autobiography, as campaign fodder for political aspirations. Caesar published his military exploits to convince the Roman people that he would make the best head of state. What was the name of Caesar's autobiography?

"The Greek and Roman War Journals of Julius Caesar"

"The Gaelic Wars"

"Julius Caesar At War"

"Caesar's Political Campaign"