Due to a traffic violation he had to hire a lawyer, the same lawyer who defended his dad against murder charges.
On his 18th birthday he received a letter from his birth parents that said they were deep cover operatives.
He earned an elicit nickname while playing football with kids who saw he had a Villiage People album.
When he was at Disney World at 14 his parents got in a huge fight and said they were going to get divorced.
He entered a drug store art contest, when he lost his mom flipped out and yelled until they gave him a prize.
Her and Bry were role playing as a hooker and a customer and Bry got angry because she kept breaking character.
When being arrested his friend told the police his alias was “Franky Knuckles” and that alias went on his criminal file.
He purposefully pushed back repairs on his kitchen so it wouldn't be ready in time to host for Christmas.