An act, a ritual to rid yourself of the thought, but provides little to know relief and actually can make you feel worse
A real disorder that causes distress and even disability. It's a very serious condition for many people
If it's a kid, then they're just copying someone else, or a teenager trying to be cool. Nothing serious.
Absolutely. Children and adults alike can be afflicted with this condition, among many others, contrary to popular belief.
A combination of behavioural therapies and medications, such as ERP (exposure & ritual prevention) CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and talk therapy, and medications such as Paxil People with OCD don't view their obsessions and compulsions as irrational. True or false?
Most people with OCD think that their obsessions and compulsions are completely ridiculous. But there IS such a thing as OCD with absent insight, so yes and no.
No. In fact, many people have "mental compulsions" in which they silently compulse by praying, thinking certain thoughts, counting, etc.
No, you can't just "know" but you SHOULD be able to see a compulsion. If you can't see it, they don't have OCD
No. Like I said, there area many different obsessions and compulsions. Some people may experience them all throughout their lives, but no two cases are exactly alike
You may be suspicious or concerned that you have it, but you really can't say for sure unless you've been evaluated by a mental health professional. You must fit the criteria